Hey all!
We've just posted a new minor update of VDMX5:
Just a bunch of bug fixes and performance tweaks – see below for the full change log.
As always please let us know about any issues via the "Report Bug" option in the Help menu.
- Dave & Ray
• Backend changes to UI item rendering, should result in better performance on machine when running performance-intensive GL programs
• Added a null check for LUTs, hopefully will result in bug reports rather than crashes for users with systems that are behaving unexpectedly
• Checks to make sure a tex cache is non-null, should prevent some crashes
• Fixed a bug when seeking to times under some very specific circumstances (seeking non-prerolled h.264s on layers that nothing has been triggered on yet) due to oddities in AVFoundation
• Fixed a crash with the cues plugin
• Fixed a bug that was causing some hap thumbnails to be rendered incorrectly in the media bin
• Fixed a bug where prerolling would cause a crash under some specific OS- and file-specific circumstances
• Fixed a bug with the color inspector where the list of rxrs wasn't being refreshed after modifying it
• Fixed bug where movie audio might be right audio channel was missing when using AAC or Apple Lossless
• Fixed bug with recording audio from certain older sound devices
• Fixed potential small audio blip at beginning of recodings
• Improved handling of channel mappings during movie recording based on audio codec selection