Hi, I have a simple question about two things, practically I'm talking about play rate slider, but I guess it applies to any slider:
1/ range - I know you can setup envelopes, however I would like to have the slider set to range 0.5/2, not default -5/+5 as i do not play anything backward and under 0.5 its too choppy anyway. and I would like to have this as a range of the slider, so i can use the whole area of the slider GUI to be able to make more precise changes then it is now, because the slider eats up most of the area by values I don't work with. Creating an envelope is fine, but still i have more slider occupied by envelope then by area I work with.. Thats a bit frustrating...
2/ snapping - I've learned that I can create/remove marks which have snapping feature. I would like to somehow tweak the snapping behavior to be a bit less aggressive.. in combination with 1/ I sometimes am not able to move the slider precisely enough to set what I want (unless i put exact number into UI inspector).. Or is there some key to press to avoid snapping or to move the slider more precisely?
thank you