Hello All,
We are seeking audiovisual performers to take part in a study investigating novel methods to create visuals for music based on audio features.
To be eligible, you must have previous experience with audiovisual tools and mapping sound to image (i.e. visuals, lights, projectors, lasers, etc.) and, must not have participated in this particular study previously.
During the first part of the study, you will be introduced to a new GUI-based system to create visuals using multitrack audio and audio features. During the second part, you will be invited to use the system to create music visualizations to accompany a provided electronic music track. Equipment (computer and headphones) will be provided.
You will be invited to fill out surveys between different conditions and at the end to assess your experience.
This study will last for 3 hours. You will be compensated £15 to be paid upon completion of the study. The experiment will be conducted in groups of 5 people and will take place at Goldsmiths College.
To enroll in this experiment, please select the time slot(s) for which you are available at the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/tijniIj14AfGd8cP2